Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Onward to Yellowknife

The flights to Yellowknife were not especially exciting, thank goodness. We met 7/8ths of the rest of the ACE team at our gate in Toronto, and traveled together. Paul met us in Yellowknife.

Dan with his new acquisition:

Dan and I are both learning how to use our new cameras.  We're anticipating many terrible shots as we learn all the non-optimal settings, and a few good ones here and there as we stumble upon something that works. We were practicing at the airport. 

It was chilly when we got to Yellowknife, but we decided to go for a walk anyways. Three of this year's team are on their first trip here, so we did the obligatory walk down to Old Town. It was really sunny, with clear blue skies.

I saw a couple of ravens (my favourite birds!) as soon as we got here, and Sham was interested to hear that they don't only caw like crows do, but they make other sounds as well. There might also have been some delight expressed about the funny sounds your boots make on the snow when the snow is really cold.

A little walk out onto Great Slave Lake brought us to the vicinity of the houseboats, the ice road, and the beginnings of the Snow King's castle.

Supper at the Black Knight, and then it was time for bed in preparation for our flight out the next morning, scheduled for 6:30 am. (Why so early, when we book a charter flight and can pick the time? It takes all day to get to Eureka, in 3 hops, and the more of that you can do in daylight, the better.)

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