Sunday, March 1, 2009


I have no clue what this thing is - any ideas? Bernard thought it might be a very frosty snow covered inuksuk but I'm not convinced. If that is the case I'm sure I know what Chad would think of THAT (You would not believe the number of inuksuks the "clever" tourists build in Gros Morne National park in Newfoundland that the park staff then have to take down). But it doesn't look like that's what it is to me, so I'm open to ideas on what it might be.


  1. This is a test comment to see why comments aren't working as they should. I actually do read your comments by the way!

  2. Trying a second comment while not signed into my own blog...

  3. Okay, Anonymous seemed to work as a profile. Trying another one...

  4. For the record, that time (comment above), I used "Name/URL" and filled in Emily for the name, left the URL blank (I tried making a fake URL to trick the comment thing but that didn't work) and that seemed to work fine. I'm using Firefox, if that has anything to do with it. I can't test all the other options because I don't have accounts for any of them!

  5. Many of us are following your blog Emily!
    Keep up the frosty good work.

    My thought is that the image looks like an inukshuk all frosted up with rime. Either that or you have discovered Sir John Franklin's body.

  6. Tourists gah... unintentionally ruining a freeze/thaw pattern which took untold thousands of years to form... feels like a Canadian heritage moment, cue the dramatic voice :)
